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Debug Info
Git Hash: 70899458
Git Date: Fri, 18 Oct 2024 18:57:06 GMT
Cache Duration: 300s
Request Amount: 930169
Request Frequency: 16.974 times/minute
Cache Hit Ratio: 0.06%
ETag Matched Ratio: 0.81%
Health: 2.60%
Uptime: 913.31 hour(s)
Hot Routes: 7268 /javdb/actors/:id/:filter?
5182 /
2583 /bilibili/user/dynamic/:uid/:routeParams?
2166 /telegram/channel/:username/:routeParams?
1402 /weibo/user/:uid/:routeParams?
1370 /ithome/:caty
1355 /gcores/category/:category
1170 /epicgames/freegames/:locale?/:country?
971 /baidu/tieba/user/:uid
585 /api/radar/rules
475 /zhihu/zhuanlan/:id
246 /test/:id/:params?
223 /423down/:category{.+}?
107 /robots.txt
66 /zhihu/people/answers/:id
40 /zhihu/people/activities/:id
3 /wordpress/:url?/:filter{.+}?
2 /metrics
1 /github/comments/:user/:repo/:number?
Hot Paths: 455154 /+CSCOE+/logon.html
370633 /+webvpn+/index.html
16498 /RDWeb/Pages/
11607 /
11174 /remote/logincheck
3246 /admin/public/index.html
2471 /geoserver/wfs
1402 /weibo/user/1664207987
1370 /ithome/win11
1355 /gcores/category/news
1170 /epicgames/freegames
971 /baidu/tieba/user/971788825
942 /bilibili/user/dynamic/672328094
928 /telegram/channel/yunpanshare
902 /telegram/channel/Aliyun_4K_Movies
876 /javdb/actors/B8gBr
771 /javdb/actors/bkxd
747 /javdb/actors/5ERmD
710 /javdb/actors/KxPb
690 /javdb/actors/neWv6
669 /javdb/actors/GMEJJ
641 /global-protect/login.esp
604 /javdb/actors/65v5Q
594 /javdb/actors/W1z0g
590 /bilibili/user/dynamic/672346917
589 /bilibili/user/dynamic/36700106
585 /api/radar/rules
574 /javdb/actors/Oz9y
571 /javdb/actors/0RxDk
475 /zhihu/zhuanlan/c_1433942042578157568
Hot Error Routes: 465 /zhihu/zhuanlan/:id
337 /telegram/channel/:username/:routeParams?
179 /javdb/actors/:id/:filter?
97 /gcores/category/:category
40 /zhihu/people/activities/:id
14 /zhihu/people/answers/:id
7 /bilibili/user/dynamic/:uid/:routeParams?
5 /423down/:category{.+}?
3 /wordpress/:url?/:filter{.+}?
1 /ithome/:caty
Hot Error Paths: 455154 /+CSCOE+/logon.html
370633 /+webvpn+/index.html
16498 /RDWeb/Pages/
11174 /remote/logincheck
6424 /
3246 /admin/public/index.html
2471 /geoserver/wfs
641 /global-protect/login.esp
465 /zhihu/zhuanlan/c_1433942042578157568
394 /.env
336 /telegram/channel/nullbr_share
304 /
282 /rdweb/
281 /rdweb/webclient
280 /rdweb
260 /remote/login
242 /debug/default/view
174 /.git/config
139 /dana-na/auth/url_default/welcome.cgi
133 /index.php
126 /vpn/index.html
123 /RDWeb/
120 /_profiler/phpinfo
117 /RDWeb/webclient
97 /gcores/category/news
84 /
73 /config.js
72 /login
64 /main.js
60 /server/s3.js

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